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7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather



7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather

Hiking in the snow is an amazing experience, but only the best-prepared individuals can survive being out in the cold for an extended period of time. You don’t always expect to be camping out in cold weather, but sometimes the weather can be unpredictable. In fact, this year we experienced a day in early spring when the temperature one day was 60 degrees, and the next day it was below freezing. If we had decided to go camping that weekend, we would have been in for a surprise, which is why it’s best to always be prepared. Let’s take a look at a few tips for surviving in cold weather.

• Dress in Layers 

7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather
The most important thing when you are in cold weather is to make sure that your stay warm. You need your body temperature to maintain so that you do not get frostbite or hypothermia while you are exposed to the elements. Layers are the best for cold weather because you can add more when you are cold and remove some when you are starting to overheat. Make sure that you have something to cover your face and head as well because most of your body heat is lost through your head, so wearing a hat is critical for survival in extreme cold.

• Stay Active

7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather
If you are cold, staying active is a great way to get your heart rate up. Don’t do so much exercise that you become drenched in sweat, but just enough to keep your extremities warm. This will help prevent frostbite in your fingers and toes. 

• Build a Fire


Once you find a place to camp for the night, you need to build a fire immediately. This is important for keeping you warm, but it will also allow you to melt snow that you can drink as well as heat up some food to warm up your insides. The best place to find dry wood if there is snow on the ground is the bottom branches on trees. Wood that is on the ground will most likely be wet; making it difficult to burn.

• Avoid Getting Wet

7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather

Getting wet in really cold weather could put you in an extremely dangerous position. If you fall through the ice or you are caught in a rain storm, you need to remove your clothes immediately. Of course, it will be cold, but being wet will cause you to lose your body temperature much faster. Roll in the snow to remove the water from your body if this occurs. Keep moving; I’d suggest doing some jumping jacks, get yourself bundled back up in dry clothes or a blanket, and build a fire to stay warm. Remember, sweat is also moisture, so becoming drenched in sweat will have the same effect. 

• Stay Warm at Night

7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather

At night, the temperature tends to drop, especially if you are camping in the mountains, so you need to make sure that you can maintain your body temperature while you are asleep. Start by sleeping in all of your clothes. You want to wear several layers to bed. Your sleeping bag will act as an insulator and keep you warm. It is also a great idea to heat some water by the fire and put it in water bottles. You can place the water bottles in your sleeping bag near your feet, stomach, chest, and groin to help you stay warm.

• Build a Shelter

7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather

Building a shelter will help keep the wind from lowering your body heat. If you do not have a tent to keep you warm, then build a simple lean-to shelter out of branches that you find to protect you from the wind and keep you dry if it happens to rain during the night. If you build a shelter, keep in mind that you will want your fire to be close by if possible. If tree branches cannot be found, perhaps there is a cave nearby or another form of shelter that you can use. 

• Stay Hydrated

7 Critical Tactics to Surviving in Cold Weather

Dehydration is a real risk in cold weather because your body does not actually realize that it is thirsty because getting warm is its priority. NEVER eat snow. It will only chill the core of your body and force you to use more energy to get warm. It is best to melt the snow before consuming it. The water will be warm, which will help you maintain your body temperature. You can even make tea out of the snow if you plan ahead.

Surviving in cold weather can be a challenge, but if you ever find yourself stuck in the cold, following these tips can help you survive. Being prepared improves the odds of survival greatly.

